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Friday, June 17, 2005

Leader 2 Leadership - Leadership Style

Leader 2 Leadership - Leadership Style
Leadership style is a matter of choice and personal preference. Here are some key books and links.

Leader 2 Leadership - Resources - the best leadership books

Leader 2 Leadership - Resources - the best leadership books: "Best Leadership Books
These are some of the best leadership books that I have come across.
I will continue to add others as time goes by."
There are also piles of links to some great Leadership resource sites!!

Leader 2 Leadership - Leadership Quote

Leader 2 Leadership - Leadership Quote
There is nothing like some good Leadership quotes to make your point or to use as a trigger to help you focus your efforts.

Leader 2 Leadership - Educational Leadership

Leader 2 Leadership - Educational Leadership
I am collecting links and respources related to educational leadership. Go to this link for continually updating books and links.